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A Tour of Bookshops and Culture in Gongguan
Viewing Count 1129
Travel days: 1 day
Season: All Seasons
Category: Information station
National Taiwan University was founded in 1928, known as "Taipei Imperial University." Because of the students in the area, a shopping district and numerous bookshops sprang up around the university campus. In particular, a cluster of bookshops has emerged in the Wenzhou Street, Roosevelt Road, and Dingzhou Road area to meet the needs of students and teachers, and is known as the "Wenzhou/Roosevelt/Dingzhou book streets." Many types of bookstores can be found in this area, including literary, feminist, LGBT, academic, religious, second-hand and travel bookstores. The "scent of books" prevails throughout this district. The Taipei International Art Village-Treasure Hill Temple— nearby is located on a small hill near the Xiandian River in the Gongguan District. This art village employs a "village coexistence" concept to attract "Treasure Homeland," "in-residence," and "youth union" projects. There are many art spaces here, as well as unique painted walls. There are regular exhibitions, lectures, and performances held there. Therefore, it has become a platform for cultural exchange.
Transportation: Take the MRT Songshan-Xindian Line to MRT Gongguan Station, and take exit 3.